Celebrating the highest point of building the Vindplaats child center

4 April 2022

Wednesday 23 March 2022 was the day: the celebration of the highest point of the construction of the new child center the Vindplaats. This milestone was celebrated with parents, children, employees, the contractor, the installers and other parties involved. “De Vindplaats will be the pearl of the neighbourhood”, says director Gert Geertsma.

At around 12.45 pm, the first parents and children poured into the site, which was decorated with student designs, from dream play areas to creative structures. Soon the square was full and the beautiful performance of the school band started. “Roll up your sleeves. Grab your hammer and your saw. Get the cables and ropes. We're going to build!" they sang loudly.

After the applause, director Gert Geertsma welcomed all visitors and thanked the construction workers and other parties on behalf of everyone. “We see that a lot of work is being done on a beautiful child center with beautiful spaces and lots of light. It will be fantastic”, said Gert Geertsma, also on behalf of the AWBR school board and AKROS childcare.

Shortly afterwards there was a speech by Jaap de Windt, owner of construction company Van Dillen, who was very proud of everyone who will realize the child center. “This is a huge achievement. I hope you will enjoy this building and that it will be a great start for your future”, he said.

Finally, two students rolled out a beautiful banner from the highest point with the text 'Together with the neighbourhood. Are you in?”. The festive meeting was successfully concluded while enjoying a snack, an ice cream and a drink.

Child center de Vindplaats
Child center de Vindplaats is expected to open its doors in October 2022. More info: www.devindplaats.amsterdam.

(source: www.devindplaats.amsterdam)

Copyright: de Vindplaats, www.devindplaats.amsterdam

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