Slootermeerschool in the picture
Bouw Woon Leef is a video platform about urban design, architecture and living in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Every month Bouw Woon Leef goes to a different part of the Amsterdam region. We look at what is being built in the city and the region, for whom, why and what, because together we will make the city and the region of later.
Filming took place at the Slootermeerschool on 22 January. Pieters Bouwtechniek is structural designer of the project, the renovation of the Slootermeerschool in Amsterdam Nieuw West.
The H-school, built in the 50s, will be rebuilt to be up-to-date again functionally and technically. The school will have a multi-colored learning environment with, in addition to group rooms, also various processing areas. The gym will also be enlarged.
It has become a very nice item in which the renewed school is beautifully portrayed with interviews with Wilma Kempinga (Bureau Ms. Meijer and advocate for the preservation of H-school), a number of children from the school and Rowin Petersma, the architect.
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