Pieters has been around for 50 years: 1974 - 2024

2 January 2024

Pieters has been around for 50 years this year and we are proud of that! What does 50 years of Pieters look like? The video below shows Pieters' history.

Read more about 50 years of Pieters in the "Pieters 50 years" book.

Short summary of our history
In 1974, Jan Pieters started his own agency for construction advice. Hein Brakel later joins and becomes a partner at J.M. Pieters B.V.

The agency is expanding, opening offices in Utrecht, Delft and Amsterdam. Melchert Leguijt becomes co-director and a project office for Stadshart Almere grows into a fully-fledged new branch.

Collaborations with architectural firm MVRD result in remarkable projects such as Villa VPRO in Hilversum and the WoZoCo’s in Amsterdam where construction and architecture come together seamlessly. The portfolio is expanding with leading projects such as the Passenger Terminal (2000), the Utrecht Cogeneration Plant (2005), Heimolen Crematorium (2008), the Volkshotel  (2014), the Timmerhuis (2015) and the Superhub Meerstad, Groningen (2022).

Innovation has been central since the 1910s. Pieters develops ultra-slim USHB balconies with Hi-Con and introduces this technology to the Dutch market. Innovative projects such as the Catharina bridge in Leiden demonstrate how Pieters integrates advanced technology into architectural masterpieces.These groundbreaking projects show that Pieters, as a constructor, knows how to seamlessly supplement architecture with state-of-the-art technology.

The Zwolle and Eindhoven branches are opened and Pieters Bouwkunde and Pieters BIM advies are established within the Pieters holding. Pieters Bouwkunde specializes in architectural advice and the development of (BIM) projects. Pieters BIM advice  is a professional group specialized in BIM. This is how Pieters grows into the organization we are today, with no fewer than 195 employees.

We would like to thank all our partners for their confidence in Pieters.

Villa VPRO, Hilversum | Image: Rob ‘t Hart
WoZoCo's, Amsterdam | Image: Rob ‘t Hart
Warmtekracht Koppelingscentrale, Utrecht | Image: Rob Hoekstra
Superhub Meerstad, Groningen | Image: Ronald Tilleman

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