Official opening 4 new bridges in South Scharwoude

2 May 2024

On Wednesday, April 24, a milestone was reached in Zuid-Scharwoude, municipality of Dijk en Waard, with the official opening of four new bridges between the Achterburggracht and the Machinesloot. After a year and a half of construction, these bridges create an additional sailing route of approximately 1.5 kilometers to Noord-Scharwoude.

The festive opening was performed by councilor Ester Leibbrand and deputy Esther Rommel of the province of North Holland.

Each bridge has a unique design and is the result of close collaboration between the municipality, contractors and stakeholders. They are strategically placed at various locations, such as Sportlaan-Kastanjelaan, Lindenlaan, Wilgenlaan-Kastanjelaan and Wilgenlaan, to provide an optimal connection for cars, cyclists and pedestrians.

All involved and interested parties were invited to attend the opening and explore the new shipping connection.

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