Two Pieter's projects Young Monument

12 April 2024

Two Pieters projects have been designated as Young Monuments by the municipality of Utrecht, namely the Minnaert building on the Uithof (Pieters was involved in the renovation) and the Combined Heat and Power Plant on Limalaan. The municipality has designated a total of 8 university buildings as new monuments. These are buildings that were built between 1970 and 2008. In this way, the municipality of Utrecht wants to ensure that history remains visible and experienceable for current and future generations.

The other 6 designated buildings are the Hugo R. Kruyt Building, the Educatorium, the University Library, the Basket Bar, the recently renovated University Museum on the Lange Nieuwstraat and the Dining Hall of the University College Utrecht.

In the Netherlands, buildings from the period after 1970 are increasingly protected. In September 2023, the municipality of Utrecht started the procedure to designate 36 buildings in the city as 'Young Monument'. The buildings all have an important cultural-historical value for the city of Utrecht.


Image: Rob Hoekstra

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